The Louis Thorold Foundation is pleased to announce that following a lengthy consultation process and significant political challenges Cambridgeshire County Council will begin the long overdue journey to make the A10 safe next week (19th July).

In March 2021 Cambridgeshire County Council published a safety study into the A10 in May which branded the A10 as requiring significant modifications to reduce the number of fatalities and anecdotally being fundamentally unsafe, in particular for pedestrians, motorcyclists and other vulnerable roads users. It noted that in five years (between 2015 and 2019) 118 personal injury incidents had occurred, with 5 fatalities and 26 serious incidents in which people had received life changing injuries (with a significant increase post 2019).
Whilst Louis' family are clearly disappointed that over the 20 year period in which this road has been know to be a 'deathtrap' nothing was done by the council and councillors even though they have a statutory duty to make our road safe, we are pleased to see progress brought about by the formation of our charity as follows:
From 19th July work will be begin to reduce the speed limit on the A10 through the village settlement from Denny End Road to Ely Road near Milton from 50mph to 40mph ( Once these works are complete the reduction in speed will undoubtedly improve safety throughout this area, however, we will continue to review and consider further measures including safety cameras and further reductions if required.
We have started consultation with Urban and Civic ( who as part of a s106 agreement relating to the Waterbeach Barracks development are obligated to install a safe dual use footpath and walkway along the side of the A10 and a signalised crossing between Landbeach and Waterbeach. We are pleased with what we have seen so far and undoubtedly this work will make the road safer. We have been informed by U&C that work should begin in 12-14 weeks and take around 6-8 weeks to complete in full, meaning by November these works will be complete.
The Louis Thorold Foundation believes that once these works are complete this area of the A10 will be immeasurably safer than it was when Louis was killed there and it is a major step forward in road safety for the region.
That said, what we have observed and uncovered during this journey is alarming and demonstrates institutional failings, dereliction of responsibility and fundamental cultural issues in which party politics and archaic stereotypes are prioritised over the safety of our children. Much of this will form the basis for future campaigns in our mission to ensure no child dies on Britain's roads. We know Louis will never come home but with these changes we hope no other family in our neighbourhood will have to suffer like we have.
In addition we will shortly be releasing further details on how the criminal investigation is progressing into the elderly driver that killed Louis. This will form a significant campaign over the coming months in which we attempt to ensure that all drivers are fit to drive regardless of age or medical history.
The Louis Thorold Foundation is a charitable incorporated organisation in England and Wales which seeks to eliminate the deaths of children on Britain's roads.
For further information please visit our website